Solar CyberMir platform
Increasing the level of practical training of information security specialists in detecting computer attacks and investigating cyber incidents
the ability to quickly deploy an infrastructure from a set of ready-made templates
Script designer
a large selection of ready-made scenarios, as well as the ability to create them yourself using the designer
Cyber exercises
connecting to the platform via the web interface and passing cyber exercises in various formats from standard to custom scenarios
automatic evaluation of participants' results to understand the current skill level and display the points scored in the rating table
of the stages of cyber exercises progress allows you to visually see the course of a cyber attack and its impact on the organization's infrastructure
formation of analytical reports with recommendations for the further development of the participant, viewing the results in the personal account
A software platform with a user-friendly interface
Participant's personal account
Participant's personal account with information about completed and planned cyber exercises
Cyber Exercises results evaluation
Automatic evaluation of the participant's report with the possibility of manual correction by the trainer
Script designer
Creating attack scenarios using the visual designer
Visualization the attack progress
Visualization of training attack stages on the network topology of virtual infrastructures
Task tracker for task assignments
Task tracker with the ability to distribute tasks among the cybersecurity employees

Under our protection
Learn more about Solar CyberMir
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